My Top Five Favorite Devotionals (Right Now)

I’m such a lover of devotionals. And though I am NOT a lover of early mornings (the struggle is SO real)…there is honestly nothing I love more on this earth than those mornings that I wake up super early and snuggle up in front of my fireplace for my quiet time with a cup of coffee and my trusty stack of devotionals. I say “stack” of devotionals because I’m a bit of a hoarder in » Read More

Ten Lessons You Learn in Your 30’s

As most of you know, 2014 saw the release of my second book, I’ve Never Been to Vegas But My Luggage Has…which is essentially my life story.

As much as I love my first book, The Single Woman, (and I do love that book, with all my heart) #NeverBeenToVegas is and will always be particularly special to me. It is essentially my heart, my LIFE…poured out on pages for the world to see. And I never dreamed » Read More

Dash of Sass: Patience & Grace in an Unexpected Place

There’s a ranch kitty, Effie, who I have bonded with who sort of seems to consider my deck her unofficial home. Because she’s out there so much, I’ve put a bowl out just for her and have started feeding her. Effie has taught me such a lesson in patience. I will often wake up and see her sitting so still and quiet in front of my front door, obviously hoping I am coming to feed » Read More

Day 18: Day 18: If You Could Have a Conversation With Your Younger Self, What Would You Say?

I started this blogging challenge over a year ago and I’ve only worked my way up to Day 18…though the timing of writing this particular blog is so perfect, I can’t help but believe that even in our busyness and forgetfulness and procrastination, God’s timetable still manages to have its way with us.

I’ve just finished reading Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty, and though she’s married with five kids, I saw so many » Read More

Thankful For What I Have…Thankful For What I’ve Escaped

I am nearing the end of my One Thousand Gifts Devotional by Ann Voskamp. It holds 60 devotionals, and I’ve read through them slowly, savoring each one, because Ann’s writing is like poetry and I never want the book to end. And yet, here we are at the end. I have one more to read tomorrow and then I’m done.

There’s a place in the back of the devotional to list your own gifts. One to » Read More

Why I Think God Loves Single Women a Little Bit More

Sometimes my fingers literally start itching as inspiration strikes me, and I have to run and grab up my laptop and start writing immediately…let the words come tumbling out onto the page as fast as I can type before the moment escapes me and the idea gets tossed aside and forgotten.

As I was sitting and reading my daily devotionals this morning (and the number has grown to five. FIVE! Good grief.), I came to a » Read More

Dash of Sass: Why You Haven’t Found What You’re Looking For

Sometimes we get mad and frustrated when we don’t find what we’re looking for. Or sometimes we find what we’re looking for but it’s not looking for us. But what we can’t see at the time is that the things that we DON’T find are the things that were never meant for us anyway. Pause a moment and consider the fact that maybe you haven’t found that dream job yet because God knows there’s a » Read More

I Told You I Was Strong & Independent. I Lied.

It hit me yesterday that I talk regularly about how strong and independent I am as a single (and fabulous) woman…

…and yet, it’s all a big, gigantic LIE.

The message in church yesterday was about singleness and how our contentment can only be found in God, not in the safety of marriage or the independence of single life (Thank you, Pastor Trevor Atwood, for BRINGING IT). And as I sat there and listened and let the » Read More

Day 17: What Are Your Spiritual Beliefs and How Do They Impact Your Relationships/Relationship Status?

My spiritual beliefs are pretty simple. Jesus is Lord. And it impacts every single thing that I do, big or small…simple or complicated. You know how at the end of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy turns to the Scarecrow and says: “I think I’ll miss you most of all”? Well, I think my walk with Jesus impacts my love life most of all.

God has saved me from toxic, damaging relationships. He has protected me from » Read More

Day 16: If You Planted a Time Capsule Right Now To Be Opened in 20 Years, What Would Be In It?

If I planted a time capsule right now that represented my life…what would be in it? Hmmm. I think I could probably fill it to the brim with books and call it a day. But that wouldn’t be very diverse, now would it?

There are the obvious things. My two books…words that will hopefully stand the test of time long after I’m gone. Writing is immortality, I suppose. It’s kind of nice knowing that 20 years » Read More

Something wonderful is on the horizon
Life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
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Something wonderful is on the horizon
Turn Toward the Sun CoverLife doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
Preorder from Baker Book House for 40% off and free shipping!*
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