Don’t Believe the Swipe

Don’t let the swipe rule your life.

Online dating. Dating apps. Texting. Social media. Endless swiping in search of forever love. It seems like the more ways technology offers to “connect” us, the less connected we actually are. Modern dating is not for the faint of heart!

Don’t Believe the Swipe is not your mother’s dating guide. It isn’t about “landing a man” or learning to “think like a man” or “getting any man to fall in love with you”; it’s about falling in love with yourself and then extending that love to every aspect of your life–including your love life. It’s about learning to date without surrendering your power. It’s about choosing yourself, regardless of whether someone swipes right or swipes left.

Funny, fresh, and relevant to today’s crazy dating world, this book is sure to become your go-to modern dating guide. New York Times bestselling author Mandy Hale draws on her own hilarious and often jaw-dropping experiences to illustrate what it means to stop believing the swipe and start finding love without losing yourself.

There is a way to date with dignity, to refuse to let the swipe rule your life, to stand confident in your worth, and to not settle for less than you deserve. This book is that way

What people are saying about Don’t Believe the Swipe

Don’t Believe the Swipe is another Mandy Hale essential read. So funny, so smart and cutting–I’m jealous I didn’t write it.

Greg BehrendtNew York Times bestselling coauthor, “He’s Just Not That Into You”

I am so happy to have this new book by Mandy Hale to help me think and laugh my way to finding the love of my life.

Yvette Nicole Brown -actress, comedian, writer, and TV host

Where has this book been all my life? It’s seriously the last dating book I’ll ever need.

Krista Allen – actress, comedian, recovering believer in the swipe

This book cuts through the fog of modern dating and reconnects us to our single most important relationship – the relationship we have with ourselves.

Devyn Simone – celebrity matchmaker, dating expert, and TV host

Don’t Believe the Swipe is a hilarious and candid guide to navigating dating as a modern single woman. Mandy shares her tales from the swiping front lines, teaches you every pitfall to avoid, and, above all, inspires self-love and hopefulness for anyone still waiting to meet their perfect match.

Francesca Hogicelebrity love and life coach

Don’t Believe the Swipe is a primer on modern dating. This book made me cry and cringe and laugh and lament, and at the end of it, I feel less alone and better able to tackle this crazy dating world.

Joy Beth Smith – author, “Party of One”

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Something wonderful is on the horizon
Life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
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Something wonderful is on the horizon
Turn Toward the Sun CoverLife doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
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